How to Install and Configure 4yousee Player on Android

This guide outlines the step-by-step process to install the 4yousee Player through the Google Play Store. If your device doesn't have this option, you can refer to: How to install a Player on Android from an APK?

To install the 4yousee Player on Android, follow the steps below:

Installing the Player

1- Open the "Play Store" application on the computer where you are going to install your player and enable automatic updates. This is with the aim of obtaining future versions of 4yousee Player. In this order you won't miss out on the benefits of updates. If your PC does not have a playstore, request the apk to the email informing your 4yousee Manager account. See below how to perform this step:






2- From the PlayStore install the 4yousee Player. Here's how:




Setting up the Player:

11- swipe your screen to the left through the presentation of the benefits of using 4yousee to access your player settings. The following animation tells you how to do it:

12- Enter the address to access your 4yousee account in the "Account URL" field and the number of your player in the "Player ID" field. Then after, click on "Start".


What is the "Account URL" and the "Player ID"? To find out what the "Account URL" and "Player ID" are, go to your 4yousee Manager account and go to the menu: Players > Players. Then you will notice that there is an ID for your player, and your Account URL is nothing more than the access URL to your 4yousee Manager account.

parameters of instalation.png

In the list of your players, watch carefully which is the player that you are going to configure. In our example, player 1 is highlighted.

Ready!!! Enjoy the best digital signage platform available on the market.

If you get a message like the following (Your player is not set for the Android platform):

error your player is not set for android platform.png

It means that if player is not established to work on android but on another platform. To change the platform of your player in 4yousee Manager look at the following illustration:

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