By configuring this bar you can divide your screen into two areas and thus display different information at the same time. In one of the areas the playlist that is associated to the player would be displayed and in the other the bar showing the information entered by you manually.
The configuration of this bar can only be done in Advanced and Enterprise account.
Then several steps must be followed:
1. Upload a template
2. Create the RSS feed
3. Enter the manual information of the news
4. Create a Layout and assign the areas
5. Associate Layout with a player
1. How to Upload the template
Download the template, Horizontal Bar For Manual New
Follow the steps in the manual below to upload the template to your 4YouSee account.
Observation: The name of the template can be "Horizontal Bar Blue and White News" whit Size 1280x100.
The next step is to create the RSS feed that will be used.
2. Create an RSS Feed
To create the RSS feed in your 4YouSee account, you need to go to the main menu and click on News (1) -> RSS Feeds (2) -> and in the upper right click on Add.
In Name (1) put the name to identify this RSS feed, we recommend Manual News Bar.
In the RSS Address field (2):
- Click on the option News will be inserted manually.
- Then in the name field write "texto" and click
In the Template option (3) choose from the list that appears, the template previously loaded, Horizontal Bar Blue and White News.
In the Search Only for News Containing Photos (4) click no to not capture images. In this case the news does not have images.
In Active (5) click yes so that the RSS feed can be used, if you click no, the RSS feed is disabled to be used.
Approval Process (6) choose Automatic make the news public without the authorization of another user.
Entry Limit (7) defines the number of enabled news. Type the number 10, in this case, it means that up to 10 news will be apt to be shown.
In News Duration (8) type the number corresponding to the days that this news will be working. The news standard is 1 day, so after this time the news will be obsolete.
In Weight (9) enter the number 1. This number will be used to multiply the number of times the font will appear on your player. The higher the number, the greater the frequency with which the news will be shown.
Click on Add and the RSS feed will be available to be configured in a Layout. However, in this tutorial, this Source will first be fed with news, that is, the text that will appear in the bars will be entered.
3. Create Manual News
In the main menu click on News (1) -> News (2) and then in the upper right click on Add. Remember that this is where you enter the information (the text) that will be displayed in the bars.
After this, a window will appear where you should consider the following indications:
In the Source field (1) select the news item locate and click on the news item Manual Bar.
In Effect of the notice (Start and End) (2), if necessary, choose a period of validity for the notice to be added. By default this news will be valid for 1 day as it was defined when creating the RSS Feed in the Limit of Records field. If so, you can omit this data.
In text (3) type the phrase that will be shown in the bar.
Ex .: Contact us at 735-458-7954
In the Image field (4), you can skip it because no images are worked on this bar.
After filling in the fields, click on Add and a window will appear asking if you want to add more news or if you want to finish.
4. Create a Layout and Assign the areas
This step consists of creating a layout and assigning the areas in which the bar will be displayed and the area in which the content of the playlist will be displayed.
Layouts allow you to use spaces within the screens, which in this case will be a horizontal bar at the bottom, or higher if you wish. Then the following 3 steps should be followed.
1. Add Layouts.
Considering the tutorial of How to Add Layouts, place in the fields:
Name: Ads
Description: Two areas, Main + Lower Horizontal Ads Bar
Width: 1280
Height: 720
Note: If your screen is 1920x1080, you can place 1280x720 in the dimensions of the layout and it will not affect the functionality of the player at all.
2. Configure Layout Areas.
Considering the tutorial on Setting Layout Areas, set the areas like this:
We also recommend this video which helps to configure the areas.
5. How to associate the layout with the player
To associate the layout that has just been created, it is necessary to see the tutorial on How to associate Layouts to the Players.