How to Add RSS Feeds

Some websites have an orange icon usually accompanied by texts such as RSS or XML, similar to those shown in the image below..

This icon indicates that the current page has RSS Feeds. The acronym RSS has more than one meaning: Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. Source: Wikipedia

RSS is a resource that allows those responsible for the site to disseminate information or news through an XML extension file, RSS among others. This file is called RSS Feed. To obtain information or news of a site you must use an RSS reader program but in your 4YouSee account this function is included and is called of RSS Feeds, which acts as if it were an RSS reader looking for the news to be displayed on your player. To register an RSS Feed in your 4YouSee account, click on News > RSS Feeds  > Add .

add feed.gif


You will see the following screen:

feed information.png


  1. In Name: Enter the name to identify your RSS Feed in your account.
  2. RSS Address: Paste the link of the RSS Feed you want to use.
  3. Template: Choose it from the available options the previously registered template.
  4. Display Area: Choose if your RSS Feed wil be displayed in a Layout Area or in the Main Area.
  5. Text Capture: Our system after analyse the XML elements, will show you the tags that you want to capture Eg: %title,%text,%category. Click on the icon located next to the information you wish to add. The elements generally selected in this field are %title and/or %description.
  6. Image Capture: Indicate the type of image capture: regular expression, none, name of the RSS tag or locate the path of the file. Choose None in case you don't want to capture any image in the RSS Feed you are registering.
    1. The Regular Expression option consists of extracting a part of the text, for example, a link or url of an HTML page.
    2. In case you want to use the RSS Tag Name, type the name of the XML element where the image address or link is. Eg: link, foto or img.
    3. In the Locate File Path option, type the path for an XML element that you want to capture. Ex:  /channel/item/img  

In the next steps we are going to define how the news will be shown in the player:

7. Search Only News With Photos:  Check the option in case you want to capture only news with images. In this case news that does not have images will be discarded

8. Active: Check the option so that the RSS feed can be used, if you uncheck it, the RSS feed won't be available for you to use.

9. Automatically Approve News:  Set it as Automatic if you want the news to be downloaded already approved and ready to be shown in the player.

In case you want to first analyze the content of each news before it is shown in the player, click on this option and then you will Approve News Manually. In this case, the news will be downloaded but waiting for you to approve it, that is why they will be in "Waiting for Approval" status and they will only be seen in the player after you approve it. To know how to approve a news item see the article How to Approve News

10. Specific Inappropriate Words: Click on no so that it does not show any source term that is not suitable to show.

11. Entry Limit: Define the number of news that will be saved by 4YouSee Manager. The number 10, in this case, means that only ten available news will be displayed.

12. Duration of news Broadcast: Enter the number that defines the duration of the news in days. Normally the standard used is 1 day, After the news period is approved again.

13. Weight: Select a number between 1 and 10. This number is used to give more importance to the RSS Feed. The more weight it has, the more frequently it will be exhibited.

Eg: A news item weighing 10 will be shown more frequently than one with weight 1.


Finally Click on Add (14) and you will be able to have the RSS Feed to associate it with the players

The next step now is to associate the newly added RSS feed to your playe. How to Link an RSS Feed to a Player

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