To facilitate integration with various (SSPs) for programmatic media, 4yousee has developed an application that enables automatic and streamlined connection with multiple providers, such as Hivestack, PlaceExchange, AdsMovil, and Outcon.
This document provides the necessary guidelines for configuring each SSP correctly and integrating your advertising content effectively.
Metadata Functionality
The 4yousee system uses metadata functionality to simplify integration with different SSP platforms. Through this functionality, you can configure the access credentials for each SSP directly within the HTML5 application using an intuitive form.
If you are not yet familiar with this functionality, you can refer to the metadata documentation to understand how to configure the variables that populate the JSON file responsible for storing the credentials and information for each SSP.
In this article, you will learn how to configure programmatic media content on the 4yousee Manager platform using metadata and custom fields in the player.
Step 1: Prepare the Content
- Download the .zip file
- Download the content you wish to use. In this article, we have a template content available for download: Download Programmatic Template
- Access the 4yousee Manager platform.
- Log in to your account on 4yousee Manager.
Step 2: Upload the Content
If you need more information on how to add content, refer to the article: How to Add Content
1. Upload the .zip file
- On the main screen, go to the menu Contents -> Content. Click on
- Add and select your file.
2. Configure the Content
- After uploading, select the Category where the content will be placed.
- Then go to the Metadata tab. Learn How to Enable Metadata
3. Configure Metadata Access the Metadata tab.
- On the right side, available integration options will be displayed.
- Simply click on one of them and fill in the corresponding parameters in the fields on the left side according to the data provided by the programmatic media company.
- Save Settings
- After adding the parameters, click the Add button to confirm the settings.
Each SSP has its own credentials and endpoints that need to be configured. Here is a list of the main supported SSPs and the metadata fields that need to be configured.
- hivestack_adServerURL: Hivestack ad server URL. The endpoint where ads are managed and served.
- hivestack_apikey: API key for authentication and access to the Hivestack API.
- placeexchange_orgId: Organization ID on PlaceExchange.
- placeexchange_adServerURL: PlaceExchange ad server URL.
- placeexchange_username: Username for accessing the platform.
- placeexchange_password: Password for authentication on the platform.
- adsmovil_deal: UUID for the deal configured in AdsMovil.
- adsmovil_lineItemId: UUID to identify the ad line in AdsMovil.
- outcon_publisher: Publisher ID in the Outcon system.
- outcon_lineItemId: Ad line ID in Outcon.
Step 3: Enable Custom Fields
- Create Custom Fields
- On the main screen, go to the option Players(1) -> Custom Fields(2).
- On the Custom Fields screen, click the Template(3) button.
- On the screen that opens, enable the field integration(4) for the programmatic company you wish to use.
Step 4: Configure Custom Fields in Player
1. Configure Custom Fields in Players
- Access the option Players(1) -> Players(2) and select the player you wish to configure from the list.
- In the operations column, click the Update(3) icon, then go to the Custom Fields(4) tab.
- Add the parameters(5):
Each enabled programmatic media company has its own parameters.
- Hivestack uses the parameter screenUUID;
- Outcon uses internalId;
- AdsMovil uses lineItemId and refId;
- PlaceExchange uses screenUUID.
*For each screen where the programmatic media content will be displayed, you need to enter the screen ID as provided by your SSP. This configuration is essential to ensure that the correct ads are displayed on the specific screen where the media is running. |
2. Save Player Settings
- After adding the value for the parameter, click Edit to confirm the settings.
Step 5: Verify and Publish
1. Verify Settings
- Review all details to ensure that the metadata and custom fields are correct.
2. Publish the Content
- If everything is correct, add the content to the playlist of the player where the content will be displayed.
The programmatic media integration has been designed to simplify the process of authentication and campaign management by utilizing dynamic metadata features to ensure flexibility and ease of use.
To help you get started, we provide a programmatic media application example for download. This example is already configured with the basic structure for integration with the aforementioned SSPs.
If you have any questions about metadata configuration or any other step of the process, please refer to the metadata documentation for more information. How to Create Applications Integrated with Metadata Fields