In order to display your Playlist in the Player, it is necessary to link it to the Player and indicate on which days of the week you want this Playlist to be displayed.
Access the list of Players through the Players > Players menu. On the screen that appears, click on the icon to modify the player (1):
Clicking on it will display something like this:
On the Player editing screen, in the Playlist (1) section you can choose whether you want the same Playlist or different Playlists to be played every day.
If you keep the option of When you attribute Playlist to a day of the week selected, copy for the following days automatically (2) and the Playlist of a day changes, they will automatically change the rest of the days for that Playlist.
To change the Playlist for a day of the week, you must deselect this option and choose the Playlist for each day of the week (3). After this, click on Modify to approve or save the changes.